
According to the suit, filed by United Healthcare sales agents in Wisconsin, the giant insurer kept a "dual set of books" to hide serious complaints about its services.
Perdue Farms signs up for a chicken welfare revolution
The poultry industry may be on the verge of adopting ambitious new animal-welfare standards, giving chickens more space and daylight, and even returning to older, slower-growing chicken breeds.
GOP blame-a-thon over health bill crash, but no clear path
In an astonishing cliff-hanger, the GOP-run Senate voted 51-49 to reject Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's last ditch attempt to sustain their drive to dismantle President Barack Obama's health care overhaul with a starkly trimmed-down bill.
As cost of U.S. health care skyrockets, so does pay of health care CEOs
Compensation in recent years for the CEOs of the largest U.S. health care companies has far outstripped the wage growth of nearly all Americans, an investigation by the news site Axios has found.
Five GOP governors share ideas on health care, education and more
Five Republican governors from the central U.S. offered their ideas on health care reform, the opioid crisis, education and the security of our election systems.
GOP seeks support for narrow version of "Obamacare" repeal
Senate Republicans are lowering their sights and trying to unite behind a so-called "skinny repeal" that would merely undo just a few of the most unpopular elements of Barack Obama's law.