
We've all heard of how opioid addiction affects adults, but what about newborn infants who are born already addicted and spend the first weeks of their lives going through withdrawal?
Sperm counts plummet in western men, study finds
Data from nearly 43,000 men around the world found a 52 percent decline in sperm counts in Western countries. It could reflect a decline in health overall, scientists say.
Why we all scream when we get ice cream brain freeze
When temperatures soar, there's nothing like a frozen treat to take off the edge. But if we dive in too fast, our brains are thrown for a distressing and sometimes painful loop. Here's why.
'Social camouflage' may lead to underdiagnosis of autism in girls
Girls are much less likely to be diagnosed with autism, but that may be because the signs of the disorder are different than in boys. And girls may be missing out on help as a result.
GOP's base not ready to give up fight against Obamacare
Conservatives across the United States are warning the GOP-led Congress not to abandon its pledge to repeal the Obama-era health law -- or risk a political nightmare in next year's elections.
White House to Senate: Pass health bill now or else
The White House stepped up demands Sunday that the Senate resume efforts to repeal and replace former President Obama's health care law, suggesting that lawmakers cancel their entire August recess, if needed.