Trump used Twitter Friday to slam Sen. Rand Paul and other Republicans who might oppose the GOP's last-gasp effort to topple the Obama health care law.
President Trump insists in a tweet that the bill covers pre-existing conditions, a point also made by Sen. Bill Cassidy, a sponsor of the legislation. But there's a catch.
Tests conducted on the brain of former football star Aaron Hernandez showed severe signs of the degenerative brain disease chronic traumatic encephalopath.
State and local health authorities say they're investigating two cases of Legionnaires' disease in residents at the SilverCreek on Main assisted living facility.
A new analysis says states like Minnesota that expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act would see big cuts under a bill being considered by the U.S. Senate
Gov. Dayton and state lawmakers are waiting for a federal waiver to implement their reinsurance plan -- but an announcement this week concerning federal funding has complicated matters. Here's what you need to know.
Tom Weber talked with journalist Evan Frost to get a sense of life at Diane Road, where only the managers pay attention to political debates, and caregivers get on with the task of helping people with disabilities live as independently as possible.
Such attacks among women and some men with an opioid addiction often go unreported because the victims fear retaliation from drug dealers or charges from police.