Ground Level Blog

Deluge doesn’t end groundwater concern
The recent heavy rains have been a drought-buster, leaving Minnesota entirely drought-free for the first time in a long time. But that’s not the same thing as ending concern about the state’s groundwater, Jim Stark, director of U.S. Geological Survey in Minnesota, told MPR News’ Cathy Wurzer on Morning Edition today. Aquifers — water-containing rock…
Golf courses turn to water technology
Golf courses are looking at better technology, not only to let them use stormwater for irrigating grass but to better determine how much water to use and what grass might use less. University of Minnesota professor Brian Horgan explains.
University of Minnesota Extension researcher Ben Winchester identifies three demographic opportunities for rural communities: appealing to immigrants, providing new housing for aging baby boomers and attracting millenials with available housing.
Your take: The Tucson water use model
MPR News' water reporting from Tucson generated a strong response from listeners and readers. Hear what some said about potential lessons for Minnesota and join the conversation.
New Brighton officials are asking a judge to make the U.S. Army keep paying to treat groundwater it contaminated years ago. The treated water supplies both New Brighton and neighboring Fridley with drinking water.