Ground Level Blog

Metropolitan Council stormwater reuse experts Ali Elhassan and Brian Davis will join MPR News Wednesday at noon to take your questions about making better use of stormwater. As concerns increase about how much water Minnesotans are pumping out of the ground for domestic, agricultural, industrial and other uses, one idea that can reduce that pressure…
Water costs rise, consumer bills vary widely by city
Water rates have been rising all over the country, but they vary widely from one city to another. Minneapolis is in the middle of the pack; St. Paul falls into the lower third of cities when it comes to the price of water.
Minnesotans raise their hands for FCC broadband money
The Federal Communications Commission is exploring how to pay for extending broadband service in rural areas, and more than 60 projects in Minnesota have been proposed by communities around the state.
Across rural Minnesota, water woes threaten to choke small town growth
A rural Minnesota research group is suggesting that water availability is becoming an economic bottleneck and that development is being threatened by a need to re-build water and sewage systems around the state.