Friday Roundtable rewind: Sheryl Sandberg's 'Lean In'

Daily Circuit Friday Roundtable
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This week on the Friday Roundtable, our panelists discuss the ideas and issues raised in Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's new book, "Lean In." Has the push for women's equality, as Sandberg argues, really stalled? And should women stop trying to have it all?


Why I want women to lean in. Excerpt from "Lean In." (Time)

Poll: More working women want full-time work. A Pew Research Center study shows a rise in the percentage of working mothers who want to hold full-time jobs. (MPR News)

Confidence Woman. Sandberg's effort to reboot feminism. (Time)

'Lean In': Not much of a manifesto, but still a win for women. While Sandberg's book has been slammed for being elitist and a vanity project, there are still valid points to be heard about women in the workplace. (NPR)

Sheryl Sandberg's 5 best 'Lean In' tips for women. Sandberg encourages women to take more risks and imagine their career path as a jungle gym, not a ladder. (Forbes)

'Lean In' author Sheryl Sandberg needs to 'lean on' the workplace. Lauren Stiller Rikleen argues that Sandberg needs to put pressure on workplace norms that hold women back from leadership roles. (Boston Globe)

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