Minnesota voter guide: Where the 2nd District candidates stand on the issues

Democrat candidate Angie Craig and Republican incumbent Jason Lewis.
2nd Congressional District Democrat candidate Angie Craig and Republican incumbent Jason Lewis.
Evan Frost and Regina McCombs | MPR News

Democrat Angie Craig is hoping to oust first-term Republican Rep. Jason Lewis in Minnesota's 2nd Congressional District.

The comprises the south and southeast Twin Cities metro area including the cities of South St. Paul, Eagan, Belle Plaine, Northfield and Red Wing.

Lewis, a former talk-radio host, has been politically aligned with President Trump and the two were elected the same year.

Craig, who used to work as a medical device executive, lost to Lewis by fewer than 7,000 votes in 2016.

Here's where Lewis and Craig stand on major issues this election season:

On President Trump

Lewis: Lewis has appeared on the campaign trail with Trump and supported many of his policies.

Craig: Craig has criticized a number of Trump's policies and has called for an investigation into allegations of sexual violence by the president.

Gun control

Lewis: He prioritizes "preserving and protecting" Second Amendment rights and has suggested proposals for "hardening the target" such as boosting security at schools to prevent shootings.

Craig: She supports funding federal gun violence research, universal background checks, stopping suspected terrorists and people with mental illnesses from buying guns, and banning semi-automatic rifles and "bump stocks."

Health care

Lewis: Lewis has criticized the Affordable Care Act, and believes people want the government out of health care and more options for buying insurance. He supported a Republican plan that would've cut Medicaid spending and allowed insurers to charge sicker people higher rates and healthier people lower rates.

Craig: Craig wants to make "immediate fixes" to the Affordable Care Act and supports an option for people to buy into Medicare coverage while moving toward universal health care.

K-12 education priorities

Lewis: Lewis wants changes including "merit pay, collective-bargaining reform, seniority rules changes, and school choice." He believes the Department of Education has too much of a hand in education, which he says should be under local control.

Craig: Craig says early childhood education is crucial "to ensure our children start kindergarten ready to succeed." She also wants teachers to get higher pay and give tax credits to those who spend their own money on school supplies.

Higher education

Lewis: He wants to emphasize vocational and technical training. He also supported a measure to repeal some federal regulations and requirements.

Craig: She wants to increase focus on career and technical schools. Craig also says she'd support legislation to make students' first two years of higher education free.


Lewis: Lewis supports the Trump administration's proposed Mexican border wall and wants local police to work with federal authorities to enforce immigration law. He also supports a merit-based system for granting visas.

Craig: Craig wants "smart border security" and a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and "law-abiding immigrants." She also says the U.S. should "comply with international law by again allowing properly filed asylum claims to proceed in a timely and orderly fashion."


Lewis: Lewis has voted to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy and to ban federal funding for abortion or health coverage including abortions. He also voted to repeal a rule mandating state and local governments distribute federal money to facilities performing abortions.

Craig: "I support full reproductive rights for women and access to contraception and family planning services. No one should ever come between a woman and her doctor when making these decisions."

Jobs and the economy

Lewis: Lewis sees government regulation and intervention as harmful to job and economic growth. He voted for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and supports "real free trade" that lowers tariffs.

Craig: Craig says "we must focus on supporting small businesses and entrepreneurship," including increasing access to funding and technology, and simplifying regulations and taxes on small businesses with 20 or fewer employees.

Climate change

Lewis: "Climate change is natural, and we don't have the data to predict it," he wrote in a 2011 op-ed. He also criticized renewable energy development and called global warming a "theory whose fundamental premise looks weaker every day."

Craig: "There's no denying it — climate change is happening and we have to address it now. In Minnesota, we've already seen milder winters, heat waves, droughts, and floods." She believes the U.S. should implement a "carbon fee and dividend program to reduce our nation's reliance on fossil fuels through market-based solutions."

Copper-nickel mining

Lewis: Lewis backed the MINER Act, which would reverse restrictions on copper-nickel mining in northern Minnesota and make it easier for mining projects to get approval.

Craig: Craig does not appear to have a public position on copper-nickel mining. MPR News has reached out for comment.

Taxes and government spending

Lewis: He backed the Republican tax law cutting the corporate tax rate. He argues that lower taxes and lower government spending can bolster the economy.

Craig: Craig supports simplifying taxes and boosting deductions for new small businesses, lowering taxes on the middle class, and closing loopholes that "encourage" companies to move jobs overseas. She also wants more spending on infrastructure improvements.


Lewis: Lewis believes marijuana regulation should be up to individual states.

Craig: Craig supports legal recreational marijuana for adults.