
Ken Burns live at the National Press Club
Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns speaks live at the National Press Club about his new six-part PBS series on the national parks. More than six years in the making, the series is titled, "The National Parks: America's Best Idea."
New site shows products' hidden impacts
Consumers used to get most of their information about a product from the packaging. Now, the Web site GoodGuide can tell a shopper where a product was made, where its ingredients came from, even the conditions in the factory where it was produced. The site's co-founder says he wants to empower consumers to make better informed choices, and to push for more transparency in marketing.
Minnesota wildlife officials are defending their decision to shoot a black bear that was spotted in a North St. Paul neighborhood.
Cabin owners prepared to go to court over fee increase
Cabin owners in the Chippewa and Superior National Forests are balking at a dramatic increase in fees for maintaining private cabins that have been historically modest.
Wetlands loss outpacing restoration efforts
Even though Minnesota is spending millions to restore wetlands as part of the state's 50-year plan to add 2 million acres of waterfowl habitat in the state, the state is still losing more than it restores.
A new article published in the journal Nature warns humans are pushing Earth dangerously close to the brink, and it goes beyond global warming. The paper argues the rapid extinction of species and changes in ocean chemistry may also be nearing points of no return.
NASA data: Greenland, Antarctic ice melt worsening
New satellite information shows that ice sheets in Greenland and western Antarctica continue to shrink faster than scientists thought and in some places are already in runaway melt mode.