2023 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates from the 2023 Minnesota legislative session that began on Jan. 3, 2023. Whether you're looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

Abortion bill set for a vote this week, other DFL wish list items to follow
After DFL lawmakers fast tracked a bill to codify the right to reproductive health care in state law, they’ll hold hearings on other priority issues this week.
Six years in the making, Walz signs $100 million mini-tax bill
The new law was six years in the making and prevents business owners from paying taxes on federal COVID-19 emergency loans and grants. It had broad support among lawmakers, but more contentious tax debates loom.
 Immigrants plead with lawmakers to pass driver’s license bill
Twenty years after Minnesota blocked unauthorized immigrants from obtaining driver’s licenses, a committee approved a change, and DFL leaders at the Capitol said restoring access will be a top priority this year.
Party lines hold as abortion bill moves through MN Legislature
In the session’s first big skirmish, a bill confirming abortion access in Minnesota is on the fast track in the Legislature. It has now cleared three committees on party-line votes.
MN House panel weighs driver's licenses for unauthorized immigrants
House members will hear a bill on Tuesday that would allow Minnesotans lacking permanent legal status here to get a driver's license. “It is critical to our economy to get this passed,” one advocate tells MPR News host Cathy Wurzer.
MN Legislature charges ahead on quick-strike bills
The oaths, introductions and organizing are done in the Minnesota Legislature. Now lawmakers are moving ahead with decisions that will set the state’s direction for years to come. 
Abortion access bill advances as ground shifts on issue at MN Capitol
Minnesota lawmakers took their first look Thursday at a bill that would codify the right to an abortion in state law. And there was emotional testimony for and against it in a House Committee.