
Water shortages and problems around Minnesota — and the country — have many wondering what is the true cost of clean and reliable water. This reporting is supported in part by The Water Main, a project of American Public Media.

1 million gallons of ash wastewater spilled from northern Minnesota coal plant
Duluth-based Minnesota Power says it is working closely with state and federal agencies after an estimated 1 million gallons of coal ash wastewater leaked from a pipeline at Boswell Energy Center in Cohasset into a nearby lake.
Program provides free water test kits for private well users in southeastern Minnesota
Private well users can receive free water test kits to check for contamination with the option to apply for financial assistance in fixing any contamination. This can include installing water treatment equipment, fixing wells or sometimes even installing a new well. 
Rapidan Dam partial failure sent more than a century’s worth of sediment pollution downstream
Rapidan Dam’s partial failure sent an estimated 11.6 million cubic yards of sediment downstream. Experts are worried about its ecological impacts and say it could take years to fully understand them.
20-year-old loops Lake Superior solo in 42 days, buoyed by climate change awareness
A triple science major at the College of St. Scholastica may be both the fastest and youngest to circumnavigate Lake Superior in a kayak — and he’s hoping the 1,000-mile trip will draw more attention to climate change’s effects in Minnesota.
New Stearns County park protects lakeshore, offers chance to restore lost prairie and wetlands
The property borders the popular chain of lakes where it narrows into the Sauk River, just south of Cold Spring. It includes about a half-mile of shoreline, rolling hills and old-growth oak forest.
Eyes on Mississippi River as flood cleanup continues across Minnesota
Federal crews are in the state to assess damage as Gov. Tim Walz seeks disaster aid from Washington. Drier weather this weekend could ease some flooding concerns, but rain’s expected Monday.
Erosion continues after rain-swollen Blue Earth River claims home near Rapidan Dam
The rain-swollen Blue Earth River continued to carve a larger channel around the Rapidan Dam southwest of Mankato on Wednesday, after claiming a home near the dam the previous night.
As Legionnaires’ cases rise, Grand Rapids begins permanently chlorinating water supply
City officials hope the action will curb the perplexing outbreak, which started more than a year ago and has sickened nearly two dozen people.
New rule gives tribal governments more input on state water quality standards
A new federal rule gives tribal governments more input as states develop water quality standards to protect lakes and streams. Minnesota officials are still working out how the rule might affect its regulatory process.