
Water shortages and problems around Minnesota — and the country — have many wondering what is the true cost of clean and reliable water. This reporting is supported in part by The Water Main, a project of American Public Media.

Have you heard that one in five people admit to peeing in the pool? There's a lot more to this story if you look beneath the waterline...
The Minnesota House and Senate will take action today on two of the smaller pieces of the state budget. Conference committees met over the weekend to reach agreements on a transportation bill and an environment and energy bill. Rep. Frank Hornstein, DFL-Minneapolis, a member of the transportation conference committee, said the compromise bill preserves current…
St. Lawrence Seaway turns 50 amid controversy
Fifty years ago next Sunday, an oceangoing ship arrived in the Duluth-Superior harbor for the first time -- thanks to the just-opened St. Lawrence Seaway. Critics say it was a colossal mistake -- an open invitation to destructive and aggressive plants and animals from overseas.
Conservation group places St. Croix among most endangered rivers
The Lower St. Croix River has been declared one of the most endangered rivers in America. American Rivers, a national waterways organization, released its list of the ten most endangered rivers and they say development along the St. Croix is destroying it.
The governors of Minnesota and North Dakota met in Fargo this afternoon to call for permanent flood protection for Fargo-Moorhead. Local, state and federal officials say it's time for a comprehensive flood protection plan in the Red River valley.
EPA chief reconsidering ship ballast permits
The new head of the EPA says the Obama administration will reconsider ballast rules that critics say do too little to prevent cargo ships from dumping invasive species into the nation's waterways.
Lawmakers to mull restrictions on sulfide mining
The fight is on over sulfide metals mining in northern Minnesota. A bill introduced at the Capitol today could put new restrictions on mining for metals like copper and nickel.