Politics and Government

MPR News is your hub for the latest politics and government news coverage. Whether you're looking for the status of a recent Supreme Court ruling, or want updates on Minnesota's newest laws, we have comprehensive state and national news coverage ready for you.

Watch the debate: Candidates vie for spotlight Thursday night
Ten candidates, including former Vice President Joe Biden, are on stage in Miami Thursday. Follow NPR reporters who cover health care, immigration and more as they fact check and analyze the debate.
Supreme Court leaves citizenship question blocked for now from 2020 census
The decision comes more than a year after the Trump administration announced plans to include on forms for the national head count the question, "Is this person a citizen of the United States?"
Trump's next tweet could get a warning label
Starting Thursday, tweets that Twitter deems to involve matters of public interest, but which violate the service's rules, will be obscured by a warning explaining the violation and Twitter's reasons for publishing it anyway.
Supreme Court won't block districts drawn for partisan gain
In two politically charged rulings, the Supreme Court dealt a huge blow Thursday to efforts to combat the drawing of electoral districts for partisan gain but put a hold on the Trump administration's effort to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census.
House sends Trump $4.6B border bill, yielding to Senate
Congress is at a standoff over a $4.6 billion aid package for the southern border as House Democrats say a Senate-passed measure doesn't go far enough to care for thousands of migrant families and children.
5 takeaways from the first Democratic debate
Rather than fireworks -- toward each other or President Trump -- the candidates took a cautious approach. Will that be the approach on Night 2 with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden on the same stage?
Two students convince lawmakers to create prescription drug repository
As an effort to slow the rising cost of prescription drugs, two University of Minnesota students convinced legislators last session to create a program to donate unused medication to people who can't afford it.
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