MPR News with Angela Davis

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MPR News with Angela Davis
MPR News

Conversations about life in Minnesota and how the state is changing, weekdays at 9 a.m. Call us at 651-227-6000.

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Power Pairs: Listen to a new series featuring prominent Minnesotans in a close relationship. Maybe they're siblings, a married couple or best friends. You may know of them separately but they reveal a whole new side of themselves when Angela Davis sits them down together. Listen to the interviews here.

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What’s the formula for raising successful kids?
MPR News host Angela Davis talked with a Harvard economist and an award-winning journalist who teamed up to study how parenting can help shape happy, high-achieving children. Their book is called “The Formula: Unlocking the Secrets to Raising Highly Successful Children.”
What will it take to close the achievement gap in Minnesota?
Minnesota has some of the worst educational disparities in the nation. As a group, students of color score lower on standardized tests and are less likely to graduate from high school than their white peers. As part of the Progressive Education Network National Conference in Minneapolis, MPR News’ Angela Davis hosted a conversation about those disparities — and what to do about them.
Counter Stories: Ending violence against indigenous women
DFL State Rep. Mary Kunesh-Podein joined the Counter Stories team to talk about the underreported issue of missing and murdered indigenous women. Kunesh-Podein authored legislation that created the state’s Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Task Force.
Penumbra’s Lou Bellamy on the role theater can play in its community
Minnesota theater icon Lou Bellamy reflects on the role St. Paul’s Penumbra Theatre has in the Twin Cities, and why it’s important to stage productions that are relevant and thought-provoking.
What do overseas journalists think of the U.S. press?
Ten journalists with the World Press Institute have been traveling around the United States since August, learning about both the U.S. media and American society. MPR News’ Euan Kerr sat down with three of them for a conversation about the future of journalism, the challenges facing journalists in their home countries and what the U.S. press looks like through their eyes.
Age discrimination is a growing concern as more Minnesotans work past the age of 65. Why are older workers are forced out and why do younger workers feel they aren’t taken seriously? Three experts talk about what it takes to create equitable work environments for people of all ages and experiences.
What to expect when you’re expecting Trump
President Trump is making his way to Minneapolis for a rally. Supporters are lined up and waiting for him. Protesters are gearing up for an evening of activities.