Outside in MN

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What are the real benefits of spending time in nature? Two medical experts explain why more doctors are prescribing nature to patients and the health benefits that come with being outside.
Going for a dip in a lake or pool is fun until you get sick. A waterborne- disease expert talks about risks associated with being in the water and tips for staying healthy.
Finding spiritual connections, a sense of place on the Mississippi River
Amoke Kubat, a retired schoolteacher who lives in north Minneapolis, feels a special connection to the Mississippi River. She's sharing it with others with the hope of reconnecting African-Americans to the water and land.
So you think rock climbing looks cool. Here's how to start
While seeing climbers hanging from a rope 50 feet in the air may appear daunting, there are many ways to learn the sport. Here's a primer for those interested in climbing to get up on the wall.
Once-threatened peregrines flying high across Minnesota
In less than 20 years' time, the peregrine falcon has bounced back from "endangered to fully recovered." Staff and volunteers at Tettegouche State Park just wrapped up their peregrine banding program for the year.
Avoiding water-borne illness this summer
Contamination at three Minneapolis beaches and reported illness among several Lake Minnetonka visitors has many worried about getting sick when they swim.