Daily dose of sweetness: Even in crisis, Minnesotans still won't take the last piece

OK, so maybe this isn't a post about something sweet Minnesotans are doing right now. It’s more of an observation of how very Minnesotan we are, even in the face of a global pandemic.

Sure, Minnesotans have been out stocking up at the grocery stores, making sure they have the necessities. But they just can’t shake the “last piece” rule. (For nonlocals, Minnesota law dictates that you leave the last bite or the last piece for the next person. It’s the polite thing to do.)

Well, that's kind of sweet, right? We want to leave a little for the rest?

From acts of kindness and sweet gestures to inspirational signs, these are some of the ways Minnesotans are lifting one another during the coronavirus pandemic.

Discover something that brightens your day? We may include it here. Email it to nyang@mpr.org.