Outside in MN

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A primer on life jackets: Especially in cold water, they can save your life
Just a few weeks ago, many of Minnesota's lakes and rivers were covered with ice. And wearing a life jacket can make a critical difference in the chances of survival for boaters and anglers who fall overboard into cold water, officials say.
Photos: In defiance of winter, Duluthians skate the 'People's Rink' on frozen Superior
About a quarter-mile offshore from Duluth's Leif Erikson Park, a hearty band of volunteers has carved a skating rink unlike any other on the frozen surface of Lake Superior.
BWCA online permitting relaunched; frustrations remain
The U.S. Forest Service on Monday restarted its system for people to get Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness permits, but some users are reporting problems with the reworked online reservation system.
Photos: Wilderness newbies develop an 'I Can!' attitude outdoors
If you haven't gone fishing, camping or mountain biking, and don't have a friend or family member who has, you are highly unlikely to take full advantage of outdoor life in Minnesota. The DNR hopes to change that.
A brief history of the s'more, America's favorite campfire snack
Huddling around a campfire and eating gooey marshmallows and warm chocolate sandwiched between two graham crackers may feel like primeval traditions. But every part of the process is a product of the Industrial Revolution.
Keep kids safe near water? Here's how
Water safety experts are urging Twin Cities families to stay safe this summer following the recent drowning death of a child along with reports of several near-drownings of children.