MPR News with Angela Davis

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MPR News with Angela Davis
MPR News

Conversations about life in Minnesota and how the state is changing, weekdays at 9 a.m. Call us at 651-227-6000.

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Power Pairs: Listen to a new series featuring prominent Minnesotans in a close relationship. Maybe they're siblings, a married couple or best friends. You may know of them separately but they reveal a whole new side of themselves when Angela Davis sits them down together. Listen to the interviews here.

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Just when "a smoke-free generation was within reach," young adults are turning to vaping and e-cigarettes in record numbers, says Laura Oliven, manager of the Tobacco Control Program at the Minnesota Department of Health.
A conversation with former NPR host Michele Norris
Angela Davis spoke with former NPR host Michele Norris about race, growing up in Minnesota and her recent chat with former first lady Michelle Obama in St. Paul.
One in five Minnesotans faces mental health challenges, but there aren't enough professionals to meet the demand. What it would take to close the gap between need and care?
This week, Gov. Tim Walz announced a plan for making Minnesota's electricity entirely free from fossil fuels by 2050. What would it take to make that happen?
Community leaders working in support of the NCAA Final Four in Minneapolis have identified diversity and inclusion as two areas in which they hope to make a lasting impact. How will they know they've succeeded?