MPR News with Angela Davis

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MPR News with Angela Davis
MPR News

Conversations about life in Minnesota and how the state is changing, weekdays at 9 a.m. Call us at 651-227-6000.

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Power Pairs: Listen to a new series featuring prominent Minnesotans in a close relationship. Maybe they're siblings, a married couple or best friends. You may know of them separately but they reveal a whole new side of themselves when Angela Davis sits them down together. Listen to the interviews here.

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Federal employees deemed "essential" are still showing up to work despite not receiving a paycheck last Friday. That's one of several ways the partial shutdown of the federal government is affecting Minnesota financially.
How will four newly-appointed members of the Walz administration address issues affecting the business community and workforce in Minnesota?
New documentary explores history of St. Paul Ford plant
"Made in St. Paul: Stories from the Ford Plant" captures the history of the plant -- from Henry Ford's early interest in the site to the stories of the workers.
Kids and sleep: What you need to know
Although kids are still only a fraction of the sleep medicine patient population, it's been growing quickly as doctors have focused on the importance of sleep to child and teen development.
The Iowa caucuses are more than a year away, but the field of Democratic candidates is already shaping up. Should U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., run for president? How does she stack up against other likely contenders? MPR News host Stephanie Curtis spoke with four guests about that: a reporter, a political scientist, a Republican strategist and a Democratic strategist.
Kaywin Feldman, the director and president of the Minneapolis Institute of Art, is leaving in March to become director of the National Gallery of Art in Washington.
Mark Rosen will appear on his last TV sportscast Thursday night at 10 p.m. Rosen is leaving WCCO-TV after almost 50 years. MPR News's Tim Nelson talked with him about his storied career.
Minnesota's 2019 legislative session kicked off with a new balance of power. DFLers have the governor's seat and a new majority in the House, while Republicans retained their slim majority in the Senate.