Minnesota Wildfires

MPR News keeps track of real-time wildfire updates so you can keep yourself and your family safe. Check out current air quality conditions with our map of the latest AQI sensor readings, or scroll down for other news about wildfires in Minnesota.

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Crews battle wildfire in Carlton County
Crews continued battling a 40-acre wildfire Tuesday in Carlton County, with aircraft back on the scene to drop water on the flames that were first spotted the day before.
Heat builds after Wednesday; air quality alert extended for SW Minnesota
Wednesday will be the last day of near-normal temperatures before we heat up. Air quality has improved for most but pockets of unhealthy air remain in western Minnesota.
Wildfires in Maui are among the deadliest in U.S. history. These are the other fires atop the list
Wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui have killed at least 96 people, making it the deadliest U.S. wildfire in more than a century. Here’s a look at the other deadliest fires in U.S. history.
Minnesota wildland firefighters help stop Canada's wildfires, here's one on what she's seen
Our state has been answering the call for help thanks to the Great Lakes Forest Fire Compact. It’s a partnership where Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Manitoba and Ontario have all agreed to help each other out with firefighting.
Warm again Tuesday with another air quality alert north; thunder develops north also
Expect slightly warmer than normal temperatures again Tuesday with sunshine south and late day storms north. We also have another air quality alert for portions of central and northern Minnesota.